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For Women Only: The Sacred Flow

In ancient Egypt, women were not only revered for their roles as mothers and nurturers but also as spiritual leaders who had the power to guide and shape their communities. Their connection to the natural cycles of the Earth, particularly through their menstrual cycles, was seen as a profound source of wisdom and abundance. The ancient Egyptian calendar, rooted in the cycles of the Nile River, serves as a powerful tool for modern women to reconnect with this ancient wisdom. This is not just a calendar of external events; it’s an internal guide that aligns with the flowing of your own internal waters—your menstrual cycle.

The Power of the Ancient Egyptian Calendar for Women

In this internal calendar, each month represents a full year of spiritual evolution. As you move through the seasons of Akhet (Inundation), Peret (Emergence), and Shemu (Harvest), you are guided through cycles of cleansing, growth, and abundance. This alignment with your body’s natural rhythms is what makes being a woman so unique and magical.

Menstruation is one of the most magical abilities that separates a woman from a man. It is a sacred process that allows you to connect deeply with the cycles of the universe, offering a direct line to spiritual insight and growth. This is not to downplay the role of men—we will explore their unique contributions in a later blog—but rather to help you understand your power, your role, and your purpose as a woman.

Experiences During the Cycle: Ancestral Guidance and Spiritual Leadership

During your menstrual cycle, you may begin to experience internal leadership from your ancestors, who appear in the form of experiences, new thoughts, and ideas. These moments of guidance are opportunities for learning and growth. Here are some things you might expect to experience:

Ancestral Guidance: You will receive random insights or guidance that come from a higher source. These could be thoughts, ideas, or feelings that seem to come out of nowhere, offering you wisdom or direction.

Monetary Increases: These insights lead to ideas or inspirations that can bring about monetary increases for you and your community. This could be a new business idea, a creative project, or an investment opportunity that aligns with your spiritual growth.

New Topics of Research: You may feel a sudden urge to study a new topic or area of research. This could be related to your work, a personal interest, or something entirely new. Trust these impulses, as they are often aligned with future opportunities that will enhance your spiritual and material well-being.

Aligning with the Ancient Egyptian Calendar: Entities of Guidance

In the ancient Egyptian calendar, certain months are overseen or guided by specific deities or entities, each offering unique energy and wisdom. Keep in mind, these "deities" are actually different aspects of your internal system. Not an outside force that is here to judge your every move. Here’s how you can align with this system:

1. Akhet: The Season of Inundation (Guided by Thoth (right thoughts) and Isis (right image))

Historical Context: Akhet was the season when the Nile River flooded, renewing the land with fertile silt.

Spiritual Significance for Women: Align this season with your menstrual cycle. Just as the Nile’s waters rise, your internal waters—your menstrual blood—flow to cleanse and renew your body and spirit. This is a powerful time for introspection and insight, guided by Thoth, the god of wisdom, and Isis, the goddess of magic and healing.


Celebrate the Flow: Treat your menstrual cycle as a holiday, a time to honor the work your body is doing. Take time off, if possible, to rest and reflect.

Connect with Thoth and Isis: Use this time for deep meditation and journaling. What insights are rising to the surface? What thoughts need to reconcilled, whats the image that you have of your Self and what about it can you change?

2. Peret: The Season of Emergence (Guided by Horus (right choices and Hathor (divine femininity))

Historical Context: Peret followed the inundation, as the waters receded and fertile soil was revealed.

Spiritual Significance for Women: After your cycle ends, Peret represents the time when new growth begins. The intentions and insights you gained during Akhet now begin to take root, guided by Horus, the god of the sky, and Hathor, the goddess of love and joy.


Nurture Your Intentions: Focus on building the new habits and practices that align with your spiritual growth. This is a time of renewal and creativity.

Engage with Your Community: Begin to share your insights and intentions with those around you. How can your growth benefit your community? Seek inspiration from Horus and Hathor to guide your actions.

3. Shemu: The Season of Harvest (Guided by Osiris (right deeds) and Sekhmet (journaling/scribe))

Historical Context: Shemu was the time when the Egyptians harvested their crops, reaping the rewards of their labor.

Spiritual Significance for Women: Shemu is the season of harvest, where you gather the fruits of your internal work. This is a time for manifestation, where the spiritual insights you’ve cultivated come to life, guided by Osiris, the god of the afterlife, and Sekhmet, the goddess of war and healing.


Celebrate Your Harvest: Reflect on your achievements and share your wisdom with your community. This is a time of gratitude and giving back.

Prepare for the Next Cycle: As you celebrate your harvest, also consider what you want to carry forward into the next cycle. How can you continue to grow and support those around you? Call upon Osiris and Sekhmet to help you manifest your desires.

4. The Epagomenal Days: A Time of Sacred Reflection (Guided by Ma’at (the laws that govern your world) and Anubis (the laws that govern the unseen))

Historical Context: The five epagomenal days were added to complete the Egyptian calendar and were considered sacred.

Spiritual Significance for Women: These days are a time of rest and deep reflection before the next cycle begins. Honor the journey you’ve taken and prepare for the new insights to come, guided by Ma’at, the goddess of truth and justice, and Anubis, the god of funerary rites.


Rest and Renew: Use these days to rest fully and prepare your body and mind for the next cycle. This is a sacred pause, a time to honor the work you’ve done.

Set New Intentions: As you prepare for the next Akhet, consider what new insights or growth you wish to pursue. Set your intentions with clarity and purpose, asking Ma’at and Anubis for guidance.

Embrace Your Role as a Spiritual Harvester

In ancient Egypt, women were the spiritual harbingers of abundance and wisdom. By aligning with the natural cycles of the Egyptian calendar, you can reclaim this role in your own life. Your menstrual cycle is not just a physical event—it’s a sacred process that connects you to the rhythms of the universe. By honoring this process and aligning with the ancient calendar, you can create a life of abundance, not just for your Self but for the community you oversee.

The ancient Egyptian calendar is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and personal development, especially for women. Align with the natural cycles and you will harness the wisdom of the ancients to cultivate a life of abundance and fulfillment. Remember, this journey is about uncovering the true kingdom within—your soul. Embrace your role as a spiritual harvester, and let the wisdom of the past guide you toward a prosperous and enlightened future.

The hardest thing about aligning with this wisdom, is literally just you changing the way you view your Self as a woman.

Enjoy your now.


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