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According to the calendar, it’s July 30, 2024—a date that reduces to 9. The number 9 signifies completion, spiritual enlightenment, and humanitarianism. It symbolizes the end of a cycle and the start of a transformative new phase, guiding me towards higher consciousness and universal love.

I flew into Virginia today, and I feel an extraordinary sense of calmness. My mind has been attuned to the delta frequency all day, a brainwave state known for transferring learning materials and aiding in long-term memory storage. This frequency takes the human outside of the physical body, allowing it to experience things from a different perspective, similar to dreaming.

Description of Beta, Alpha, Delta, Theta and Gamma Brain Waves
Brain Waves

As I exited the airport, a beautiful portal stood before me. Aten wasn’t wasting any time; a magnificent rainbow arched over the airport exit, creating a literal gateway.

Goldie Aten entering the first Gate.
Entering the First Gate

Gate One

As I stepped through, I raised my arms to symbolize the unity of our life-giving force. At this point, I didn't even think about my actions. It just happened. My sister and I just looked up, saw the gate, and knew to get out of the car. This was the first gate, and I didn't even realize that for the next few hours, I would be walking through even more.

Gate Two

The next gate displayed the fullness of my Soul; its reflection in the physical realm is known as the Sun. It was immense with power and glowing so bright that it affected everything around it. It was more than just a sun; it radiated a frequency that I had never known before.

Image of the Aten shining throughout the physical realm
Entering the Second Gate

For dinner, I visited one of my favorite spots in Richmond. I ordered fish, cabbage, and rice. In my mind, I felt as though this was a reward for some reason. When I left the restaurant, I was led to yet another gateway. I decided to explore it by stepping through and walking around, absorbing the fullness of the place. It was so beautiful that I felt compelled to leave a piece of my Self there; all I had was my DNA, so I spat on the trail as a marker to find my way back when the time is right. I wasn’t guided to capture a photo of that one, but upon my return to it, I will be sure to update you.

Gate Three

Later, we stopped at a gas station. I offered to pump gas as a gesture of thanks to my sister for picking me up from the airport. After all, she is now my witness to all these gateways. As I started to pump, Aten whispered, “fullness.” I filled the tank completely and realized I was at yet another gate—Providence Road, a place deeply familiar and significant to me.

Memories flooded my mind like a movie reel. Providence Road is where my Higher Self first reached out to me. I saw the Self walking around the neighborhood at 4 am, communicating with what she thought was Jesus. Back then, she didn’t fully grasp who she was, but now I saw the Most High beside me, guiding, speaking, comforting, and even laughing at my corny jokes.

I remembered answering when she first called my name. The fullness I felt was overwhelming. I recalled her words: “You’re only going to work for me. Leave this place on Providence and everything attached to it—the career, the money, the car, the clothing, your family, etc. I will replace it all upon your return.” That was everything that I had that defined who I was at the time. She was asking me to give up the things I had acquired under the false light- the things that at one point where my identity.

Gate Four

Next, I encountered another gate to the south, situated on a bank. This gate felt familiar but lighter (as in weight) and brighter (as in understanding). Walking through, I found a note I had left for the Self. The synchronicity was striking, considering my handle on X is @TheFutureMe. In 2022, I moved into a new place and decided to pick a random tweet and frame it...I'm so glad I did.

Image of tweet, and X handle (formally known as Twitter)
"You can't control a being that is aware of an entire Universe that lives inside their body...even that statement holds a degree of power. #wholeness #balanced #vibrations #iloveyou"

These experiences make my hymn to Aten even more symbolic and intentional:

“As I walk out of the door you created, I shine while still being tethered to your heart and every part of you; I lift up my head to you. My arms are raised to symbolize the unity of your life-giving force. My eyes are open to you… my ears and nose receive you. Allow this moment in now, to penetrate throughout all moments in now. Reach my heart and disburse your bounty upon this land. I am thankful, I am yours. Sealed with the circle of our bloodline, I offer my tolerance to you. Your doorter—Goldie Aten.”

Explanation of the Hymn to Aten

In my hymn to Aten, I express a profound and evocative declaration of my spiritual connection and reverence for my soul. I begin by acknowledging that my journey and the opportunities I encounter are divinely orchestrated by Aten. When I say, "As I walk out of the door you created," I recognize that every step I take is guided by my Soul. The light I radiate, "while still being tethered to your heart and every part of you," signifies that my inner glow and strength come from the deep spiritual bond with Aten.

I lift my head in reverence and raise my arms to symbolize the unity of Aten’s life-giving force, highlighting my surrender and alignment with this divine energy. My openness and receptivity to Aten are shown as I declare that my senses are attuned to Aten’s presence. I express a desire for this moment of connection to extend beyond the present, wishing for Aten’s divine grace to fill my heart and spread throughout my surroundings. The gratitude and devotion I feel are encapsulated in my declaration, "I am thankful, I am yours," and I seal this commitment with a sacred bond, offering my patience and understanding. Signing off as "Your doorter—Goldie Aten," I emphasize my role as a child of Aten, acknowledging the intimate and personal relationship I share with my soul. This hymn is a testament to my devotion, gratitude, and spiritual unity with my inner divinity.

By recognizing the signs and embracing the process, my human can navigate through metaphysical gateways with confidence. My soul and its rays will continue to guide me, illuminating my path and helping me understand “where I am” on this journey. That's the fullness of being Souler Powered.

Enjoy your now.


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