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How to recover from the “trauma” of your awakening

A spiritual awakening can be a profound, life-altering experience that shakes the very foundation of your existence. It’s often described as a shift from one timeline to another, leaving behind the familiar and thrusting you into a new reality. But as transformative as this journey is, it can also be traumatic. The loss of things that once held great value—finances, careers, relationships, homes, cars—can leave you reeling. And as you adjust to this new timeline, viewing the world from a different perspective, the sense of betrayal and uncertainty can be overwhelming. Here’s how to recover from the trauma of a spiritual awakening.

Understanding "Trauma" in the Context of a Spiritual Awakening

Trauma, in a general sense, is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. In the context of a spiritual awakening, trauma can feel like being yanked out of one reality and placed into another, with little warning or preparation. The world you once knew, and the truths you once held dear, can suddenly seem like illusions. Historical events, societal norms, and even personal beliefs may be exposed as fabrications that were designed to keep you thinking a certain way. This revelation can be jarring, leaving you questioning everything you see and know. The initial awakening experience is rarely subtle; it can shake you to your core, and that’s often the point. But that doesn’t erase the scars left behind.

Coping with the Loss of What Once Was

One of the most challenging aspects of a spiritual awakening is dealing with the loss of what was removed from your life. It’s not uncommon to feel anxiety and stress over the disappearance of things that once provided stability—your career, finances, home, people, and material possessions. These things held immense value in your previous reality, and their absence can be disorienting. However, the key to recovery is to look at your new reality with fresh eyes. Don’t search for the same things that sustained you before; they won’t be found on this new timeline, and the search will only cause further stress and anxiety.

Navigating the New Reality

For many, the hardest part of this new reality is deriving an income. Before the awakening, you might have worked several jobs that, while unfulfilling, provided financial stability. Post-awakening, it’s up to you to create that stability using your creativity and passions. The challenge is not to fall back into the old habit of trading your energy for money at a job that doesn’t care about you or anyone else, only profit. Some days will be better than others, and there will be moments of discouragement. You may even find your Self looking back at what sustained you in the past—a job, for instance—but unless it aligns with your true passions, pursuing it will only lead to a regression into the person you were before and a deeper state of depression.

Wounded Traveler getting Healed
Wounded Traveler
Advice for Healing the Wounds of Awakening

1. Don’t Give Up: No matter how tough things seem, don’t give up. There will be days when you feel like you’re over it and refuse to continue on this path. But passion has a way of running on automatic, and by nightfall, you may find your Self exploring new thoughts or searching for the lesson in the day’s events. If you haven’t reached that automatic mode yet, just keep going. Remember, if you had given up the first time things got tough, you wouldn’t have created the life you have now, with all its meaningful steps and accomplishments.

2. Don’t Romanticize the Past: You were removed from your previous reality for a reason. When things get tough, it’s tempting to look back and romanticize the past, especially the stability of a regular paycheck. But those jobs were low vibrational, filled with toxic environments and repetitive routines that drained your energy. Instead of focusing on the paycheck, look at the whole picture—the lack of freedom, the need for permission to take time off, the monotony. See the past for what it truly was, not what you wish it had been.

3. Trust Your Newfound Gifts: Trust that your newfound gifts will guide you to where you are destined to be. Achieving your goals, much like anything worth having, takes time. Similarly, the development of your gifts is a process. The people who are meant to see your art or hear your music may not even be ready for it yet, but they will be in time. Your creations will serve as tools and signposts for them when they experience their own awakening.

4. Believe in Your Self: This may sound cliché, but it’s crucial. There’s another version of you that exists beyond the physical realm—an entity more real than anything you can perceive with your senses. To navigate your new reality, you must believe in this version of you with the same unwavering conviction you had as a child when you believed in your imaginary friend, Santa Claus, or the monster under your bed. This version of you has already seen the fulfillment of your wildest dreams and is guiding your every step. Trust in this presence, for it knows the way even when you cannot see the path.

Recovering from the trauma of a spiritual awakening requires patience, self-trust, and the willingness to let go of the past. As you navigate this new reality, remember that the scars left behind are not signs of defeat but symbols of your transformation. Trust the process, believe in your gifts, and know that you are being guided to where you are meant to be. When the path ahead seems unclear and doubt creeps in, remind your Self that you are not alone. Trust that this other version of you knows the way, and let it lead you. Your gifts, creativity, and passions are the tools this version uses to help you manifest your destiny. Believe in your gifts, and believe in your Self, for you are on the brink of something extraordinary.

The trauma of a spiritual awakening is not about returning to who you were before; it’s about embracing who you are becoming. The scars you bear are not signs of defeat, but symbols of profound transformation. Every loss has created space for something greater to emerge, aligned with your true essence.

Awakening isn’t just about gaining knowledge; it’s about thriving in a new reality, one where you are free to create a life that resonates with your highest truth. Keep moving forward with courage, trust, and unwavering belief in the power of who you are becoming.


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