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My Relationship with a Higher Power

In a previous blog, I mentioned that I “killed God,” and it seems that statement has caused some confusion. Some readers interpreted it as me saying I do not believe in a higher power, but that’s far from the truth. I want to take this opportunity to clarify what I meant and provide context to dispel any misunderstandings.

When I said I “killed God,” I was not referring to the Creator, the Source, or the true divine presence that animates my life. Instead, I was talking about the false belief system that masquerades as divinity—a system that has been used throughout history to justify putting people in bondage, committing genocide, and even endangering children. This false system often cloaks itself in the language of righteousness and salvation, but it is far from the true light that I honor and revere.

My understanding of the higher power is deeply personal and rooted in daily practice. I give praise and honoring every day of my life to my Creator. I am in tune with my Source in a way that allows me to discern the difference between the false light that pretends to be a savior or hero and the true light that is the essence of all existence. This true light is not just a force that created everything; it is also the nothingness from which everything emerges. It is beyond dualities and simple definitions.

The false light I speak of includes the ego, which often disguises itself as a savior or hero. The ego is always striving, always reaching for something outside itself, always looking to justify its existence through accomplishments or accolades. But the highest version of my Self, the part of me that is most aligned with the true light, simply wants to “be.” It seeks peace, presence, and the freedom that comes from being in harmony with the divine Source, free from the illusions and distractions of the false system.

Walking a narrow path
A narrow path

I recognize that my understanding of this distinction between the false system and the real system is a narrow path. It’s not something that can be easily grasped without a willingness to look beyond the surface of traditional beliefs and systems. It requires a new level of understanding, one that comes from introspection, spiritual practice, and a deep connection with the true light.

So, to clarify: I do believe in a higher power, and I honor that power every day. But I have consciously chosen to reject the false systems that have been constructed in the name of that power—systems that have caused more harm than good. My journey is about aligning with the true light, the one that animates my vessel and is the Source of all life. It is about letting go of the ego’s need to control, strive, and define, and instead embracing the simplicity and purity of just “being.”

Reflecting on what is
Your Favorite Time Traveler reflecting

I hope this provides a deeper understanding of where I stand. My journey is ongoing, and I am committed to continuing to explore and deepen my connection with the true light, the Creator, my Source.

Safe travels and pack light!


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