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Writer's pictureYour Favorite Time Traveler


The “I” heard a noise coming from the window and when the “I” walked over and looked out, my eyes immediately focused on the door mat at the building across the street. “We’ve got this..automatic doors ahead.”

A very wise man once said to ME that in order for to open doors, The ”I” has to be standing close enough. It’s nothing but automatic doors opening this season #thankful #humbled

The “I” immediately wanted to gno what the numbers 8 (new beginning) 3 (”belts”) and 1 (The Most High) meant:

Number 831 is a combination of the energies and influences of number 8 and number 3, and the vibrations of number 1. New Beginning is manifesting positive abundance , “self”-confidence and personal authority, discernment and good judgement, giving and receiving, and serving humanity.

The new beginning relates to the concept of karma; the Kingdom Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Your “belt” relates to “self”-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, natural skills and talents, friendliness and sociability, affability, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Your belt resonates with the vibrations of ME-LA

The Most High encourages assertiveness, independence and uniqueness, striving forward and new beginnings, inspiration, motivation, positivity and achieving success. The Most High reminds Me-LA that the “I” creates reality and experiences with thoughts and beliefs, and encourages ME-LA to step out of my comfort zone and step towards new directions and opportunities.

The Most High sends a powerful message telling of attaining and achieving goals and aspirations and manifesting wonderful new opportunities on all levels. Give any concerns or fears that the “I” may have to The Most High for healing, and trust that inner-wisdom is leading ME-LA in the right direction.

My determined efforts have manifested new opportunities for ME-LA to advance the “self” along my soul’s journey and live my spiritual purpose. Trust the guidance from the family and allow the ‘new’ into my life, safe in the knowledge that all is going to Divine plan. Expect wonderful new opportunities to present themselves in unexpected ways, and remember to be grateful for my blessings. The “I” deserve them!

Listen attentively and pay attention to all the clues, signs and synchronicities that are appearing in my life. Inner-guidance works in all aspects of life at all times. Stay open, listen to the whispers of inner-knowing, and follow the direction of my heart. Trust my inner-wisdom and the Kingdom to know what is best for ME-LA.

Number 831 relates to number 3 the whole family ❤️


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